Jordyn Emmert Photography


Our Family

Arya Grace: 2 months

Well I blinked and 2 months has already gone by since we welcomed baby girl into our home. Our little over achiever is already rolling over from belly to back and tries her hardest

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Arya Grace: 1 month

One month into life with baby Arya and we are all smitten. This little girl is so super sweet and is probably the smiliest newborn I’ve ever seen (she refuses to smile when the

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Our Family 2021

After Arya’s arrival we had the opportunity to have our family photos taken by our good friends Blaine and Janae and I love them so much! One month into our life with 3 kids

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Owen: Month 4

So you know how last month I said “one of these days I’ll be on time for Owen’s monthly post”? Yeah that’s not today 😛 I guess I may just need to resign myself

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Owen: Month Three

Once again I am late with Owen’s monthly post. Maybe one of these days I’ll actually get it posted on time It’s been a wild month around here, and it’s probably going to stay

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Owen: Month Two

Owen is two months old! This little man is growing soooooo fast. He is already over 14 pounds and steadily gaining . William was so tiny for so long (and still is) I kind

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the list

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