Jordyn Emmert Photography

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Owen: Month 5 |Fairview Oklahoma Family Portrait Photographer

Yesterday Owen turned 6 months old (yes you read that right ๐Ÿ˜‚), and today I’m finally posting his 5 month blog post (If you know a photographer and it’s November, they probably need a hug right about now ๐Ÿ˜› )

The good news is I actually took his pictures at an appropriate time so the weight and photos are true to his 5 month self.ย 

Also….we have a sitter! Pretty much as soon as he turned 5 months old he decided laying around was for the dogs…at this point he’s just mad he can’t crawl.ย 

This month we had the last of his tests done and he was officially given a clean bill of health as he did not meet any of the markers of PHACE syndrome which is what he was being evaluated for! We are so thankful for all the prayer warriors out there who have been keeping our sweet little man in their prayers while we wen’t through this process. He will continue undergoing treatment to stop the growth of his hemangioma to avoid putting too much pressure on the plates in his forehead, but at this point we are down to monthly check-ups, which is a huge blessing to both our schedule and our gas tanks (we were making trips at least once, if not twice a week for his specialist appointments and tests). We are so grateful for the Dr’s that have been treating him and their thoroughness to make sure we didn’t have something deeper going on, and we are praising God for the outcome.ย 

This past month with Owen has been so much fun as his little personality is shining through more and more all the time (Hint…he doesn’t just look like his mama…he acts like her too ๐Ÿ˜› ) . He and William are really starting to buddy up and love playing together and it makes this mama’s heart overflow with happiness. He’s big thing this month is to stick out his tongue when he’s being silly (wonder where he got that from). I tried so hard to get a picture of him doing it, but he just kept spitting instead (his other new favorite “trick”).ย 

With any luck his six month post should be up within a couple of weeks, but in the meantime enjoy some month old pictures of our precious little man ๐Ÿ˜‰


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meet the photographer jordym

Fueled by equal parts coffee and passion, I spend my days capturing the kinds of images that make you stop, smile and ask time to please slow down. Your story, your love, is beautiful and I canโ€™t wait to capture it in images you will treasure for years to come! I believe in real moments, serving my couples well, and doing it all for GODโ€™s glory

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