“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” –Osho
This is it. One of those days.
One of those days that started out so normal, boring even, and now I want to hold onto the memory of it forever because I realize I won’t have these precious moments back. I realize that this is my baby boy’s only first time to play in the mud, his only time to be this small, his only day to do exactly what we did today.
Our morning started off simple enough, clean the house, do the chores. While being a stay at home (work at home) mom is a tremendous blessing it is so easy to got stuck in the monotony of every day life. Sometimes it seems like every day is the same, that nothing changes, but that’s not true. Little by little everything changes, and then you look back and wonder why you didn’t appreciate the moments you had. Why you didn’t grab hold of those memories you were making. So today a made a choice. It wasn’t a major life altering decision. No. It was just a choice to take my son on a walk. To enjoy the warming weather, to let him experience something new, to make a memory- and to capture it.
These photos are priceless to me. I may not look like I did before I had a baby. I’m about 25 pounds heavier, I constantly have bags under my eyes, and sometimes I don’t recognize myself in the mirror, but it is so worth it. Twenty years from now I know I will look back on these images and see something beautiful, something irreplaceable, the love my little boy and I had for each other that day, that moment, and that is something worth holding onto.
This is my why. This is why I do what I do. To capture those little fleeting memories that mean everything.