Jordyn Emmert Photography

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Maddie & Tate

The Springs,  blanchard Ok

If ever a couple was meant to be together it is Maddie and Tate. These two positively exude love for one another. Countless times throughout their day they had me crying with their sweet intentional touches for one another- 

2018: A Year of Hills and Valleys-Living Life in the Midst of Blessings and Tragedies

I have struggled for a long time with how, or if, I should share about this. It’s not something I naturally want to talk about, at least not on a public level. I think we all have a tendency to want to put our “best face” out there, and appear like we have life by the horns, that nothing ever goes wrong. The reality of the matter is we are all human. We all have struggles. We all have our time on the mountain and our time in the valley.

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Our Engagement Story

If you know much about me then you know I am huge on getting to know my clients and their unique stories. It is so fun to hear all your stories!  So with that

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